Monday, April 9, 2012
Members and visitors to Quantum Male Art: I know there hasn't been a post for a long time, but I'm still here and have just opened an all-new Blog: Go now to the all-new QUANTUM COMICS BLOG at! Hope to see you there!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sorry I've been away for so long. I've had some distractions and some computer issues recently that have thrown me way off my Blogging game, but I hope to start posting more regularly again soon and catch up with sharing more wondrously sexy male imagery.
The time has come at last for that most awesome of holiday events, the 21st annual Quantum Christmas Card. Once again the season has delivered some heroic imagery which I hope will meet with your favor and enjoyment.
The theme of this year's Card is one close to my own heart. In creating my own personal super-heroes, each with his own character history, there is one character type that shows up in a variety of forms and guises: the Prince. The Prince is that character who, even in the company of other super-heroes, is a figure of exceptional gifts, virtue, and nobility. Apparently Princes are to me what Princesses are to Walt Disney. (And appropriately, this season also brings us Disney's very first black Princess in the new animated film The Princess and the Frog. I'm seeing it for sure.) Quantum Princes are a storied and varied lot, each with one thing in common: In or out of costume (or armor, as is the case with the Machinist), they are the most gorgeous things walking, flying, or swimming. The Prince may appear in any number of ways. He may be a super-wealthy Mexican-American super-genius who wants deep down to be a regular boy (Lucky Star, leader of The Environauts). He may be a time-traveling, Irish-descended warrior with dragon wings and limitless strength and flame powers, who belongs to a society where women rule and snakes and reptiles are revered (Draco Rex, who is the Queen's son and actually, literally a Prince). Perhaps he's a living symbol of gay pride who was raised by two fathers and acquired vast powers on a trip through time (Idol); a British Rugby player who developed a terminal illness, the experimental cure for which left him one of the most powerful beings on Earth (Sterling); or the fallen Prince of a wealthy English family, cut off in disgrace from his home but elevated to immense superhuman power (Hero X). Brits seem to be a recurring sub-theme. Wild Jon, the Prince of Nature seen with Spider-Man on last year's Card, is the son of an Englishman, but the other side of his heritage is something that would take another long E-mail to explain. Point Man, a shrinking hero, is the illegitimate heir of a twisted tycoon in the U.K. And as for the aforementioned Machinist, our globe-trotting, armor-clad African-American Prince, the cure for his own nervous disorder installed computers in his brain that let him communicate with and control any device, including his own armor, that operates on a similar neural net!
Of course, I hesitate to say it, but you can never get anything perfect: Directly I finished this Card I came up with a better helmet for the Machinist than the one he's carrying under one arm here. See that? The Card hadn't even gone out yet and one character's gear was already obsolete! Oh well...
And before you ask, rest assured that the boyfriend of the clothing-shy Wild Jon was standing by with boots, a jacket, and a mug of hot cocoa as soon as this image was captured. (Jon, Idol, and Draco are all gay characters.)
Pictured, upper: Wild Jon, Hero X, Sterling, Idol. Lower: Lucky Star, The Machinist, Draco Rex, Point Man. All characters © 12-2009 by J.A. Fludd. Best wishes of the season and a happy 2010. As Draco might say, “Goddess bless us every one.”
Monday, October 5, 2009
In our previous post we met my version of the sea-going champion of a Distinctly Classic comics universe. As we've discussed before, that universe has a conspicuous tradition of giving its adult heroes teenage sidekicks and proteges. So it is that Aqualord has a young partner called Aquaboy...
...who one day outgrew that identity and became the sensational Seastorm. As you can see, he's not quite what you'd call a, ahem, Tempest in a teapot!

Friday, September 18, 2009
In our last post I showed you my version of the very first super-hero with whom I ever bonded as a fan. The character depicted below would be the second. When I first discovered super-heroes, via a certain animated TV show, I immediately adopted as my favorite characters the ones I found easiest to draw! That would include the actual comic book versions of that previous character, and of this one, whose theme song described his powers as "Stronger than a whale, he can swim anywhere! He can breathe underwater and go flying through the air...!" The series theme referred to him as an "exotically neurotic and aquatic super-hero," a rhyme that has stayed with me all my life. The actual character, in his purest and most classic form, wears nothing but a pair of trunks and a belt, and sometimes a pair of gold wristbands. My version of him is called Ultramarine, and while I've adhered to the pure visual concept, you can see I've jazzed him up a bit after my own fashion. The actual character is one of the first, original super-heroes; in fact he and the company to which he belongs are observing their 70th anniversary this year!

Now, the Dynamite Competition of the company to whom that character belongs also has a sea-going aquatic super-hero. The actual character is one of the most beloved super-heroes to comic-book-reading gays. In his purest and most classic form, he's an affable Monarch of the Depths who's known for being the Dr. Dolittle of marine life. ("If I could talk to the sea animals...") He's also known for hurling balls of coherent water at his foes and riding around on enormous sea horses. There's a particular pre-teen charm about him that has always endeared him to gay fans. I've always liked this character, my version of whom is seen below and is dubbed Aqualord. But in my fan life, I've spent far more time with the character on whom Ultramarine is based than with the character from whom Aqualord is derived. It's just my own personal affinity as a comics fan, which I was discussing with you the other week. The character on whom Ultramarine is based is a very dramatic and volatile figure who, depending on his storyline at a given time, can be either a dangerous do-gooder or a heroic adversary. I always found him more personally interesting than the character from whom Aqualord is derived. My brother would agree; he once referred to the basis for Aqualord as "S*b-M*r*n*r Lite!"
Of course, as standards in comic-book storytelling have changed, the character on whom Aqualord is based has changed with them over the years into a darker, angrier, "edgier" figure. They've even grown his hair long and lopped off one of his hands and replaced it with a harpoon. Ironically, that actually detracted from his appeal for me! But they're both among the oldest, most classic characters in comics, and they're among the models for the super-heroes who have followed them. Dare I sign off with the exclamation, "Imperius Rex!"

Now, the Dynamite Competition of the company to whom that character belongs also has a sea-going aquatic super-hero. The actual character is one of the most beloved super-heroes to comic-book-reading gays. In his purest and most classic form, he's an affable Monarch of the Depths who's known for being the Dr. Dolittle of marine life. ("If I could talk to the sea animals...") He's also known for hurling balls of coherent water at his foes and riding around on enormous sea horses. There's a particular pre-teen charm about him that has always endeared him to gay fans. I've always liked this character, my version of whom is seen below and is dubbed Aqualord. But in my fan life, I've spent far more time with the character on whom Ultramarine is based than with the character from whom Aqualord is derived. It's just my own personal affinity as a comics fan, which I was discussing with you the other week. The character on whom Ultramarine is based is a very dramatic and volatile figure who, depending on his storyline at a given time, can be either a dangerous do-gooder or a heroic adversary. I always found him more personally interesting than the character from whom Aqualord is derived. My brother would agree; he once referred to the basis for Aqualord as "S*b-M*r*n*r Lite!"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Now, anyone who's been near a cinema since May 2008 had better know from which world famous super-hero I derived Techno Man. This ferrous-suited fox is derived from the very first super-hero with whom I ever bonded as a fan. That character is all about human ingenuity: One of the most powerful heroes of the world in which he lives and battles, he actually invented his own powers! I remember very well watching the first adaptation of this character on TV, with that classic theme song that described his alter ego as "...a cool exec with a heart of steel!" It's great that after all these years, my original favorite hero is finally getting his props as the lead character of one of last year's biggest hit films--whose sequel will undoubtedly be among the biggest hits of 2010. To paraphrase that theme: "Amazing armor! That's Techno Man! A blazing power! That's Techno Man!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I’d like to start this post with a shout out to a new online friend of mine, John Savage, who just yesterday posted a selection from Quantum Male Art on his own Blog, Rants, Roids, n Rasslin’. As you may surmise, John’s blog is themed on wrestling, albeit with a decidedly gay slant and an acquaintance with comic book art. In fact, some of his recent posts pit a couple of famous characters from a Decidedly Classic comic book company against each other in the ring; they’re characters who have appeared in my own veiled guises on this very Blog. Anyway, to return the favor, I wanted to give an appreciative link back to John this time. Thanks, John, and whatever may be the wrestling equivalent of “break a leg!”
Now, for our usual business, you see above the actual, unveiled versions of the two most famous (male) heroes in comic books. I include them because I consider these the two best drawings I have ever done of these characters (in their actual forms or otherwise). As for the character on the left, his importance can’t be overstated. Though he is neither the first fictional costumed adventurer nor the first fictional do-gooder with super-powers, he is the character to whom history points as the model for all true super-heroes. Heck, his name even says it! They’re called SUPER powers for a reason, and he is it! The character on the right, of course, has lately appeared in this Blog in his J.A. Fluddian guise of Manta Ray. Look back at Manta Ray and then look at where he came from.
The funny thing is that when I was first becoming involved with comics, if there had been nothing in the super-hero genre except the comics to which these characters belonged, and the other comics of that company, I probably would have been like your typical comic book fan who reads comics as a kid and then loses interest when adolescence and the hormones kick in. (Adolescence is the great killer of comic book fans! Suddenly girls and cars and computers and video games become more important than the super-heroes you loved so well, and we lose a lot of kids and never get them back.) I needed something more from comics even as a very young fan, and I got it from another company, the home of the character on whom this next lad is based.
Of course, you shouldn’t need me to tell you who “The Blaze” above really is and where he comes from. The group of characters to which he belongs, and the universe that grew up around them, was what held my interest in comics, precisely because they were never written with pre-teen boys in mind. They were the work of guys in their 30s and older, writing and drawing to please themselves (or “The Man” who was their head writer and editor). Those characters and that universe changed the context in which super-heroes and their adventures were placed, and that, ahem, Marvelous change of context made all the difference. The differences between that company and their Dauntless Competition are much diminished now from what they were when I was a very young boy (the majority of comics today are written, how shall we say, Marvelously), but back then they were enough to keep me interested. Contemplate the, ahem, Fantastic drawing above, and till next time, “Blaze On!”

The funny thing is that when I was first becoming involved with comics, if there had been nothing in the super-hero genre except the comics to which these characters belonged, and the other comics of that company, I probably would have been like your typical comic book fan who reads comics as a kid and then loses interest when adolescence and the hormones kick in. (Adolescence is the great killer of comic book fans! Suddenly girls and cars and computers and video games become more important than the super-heroes you loved so well, and we lose a lot of kids and never get them back.) I needed something more from comics even as a very young fan, and I got it from another company, the home of the character on whom this next lad is based.

Monday, August 17, 2009
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